Wednesday, 7 May 2008


When it comes to religion I’m really not sure what I believe and to be honest I don’t give it a tremendous amount of thought. My view is that I’ll find out eventually so why stress about it now. If there is a God then I’m not a massive bastard really, I should be able to talk my way into heaven or at least a non-smoking table in hell. If there isn’t and it turns out we really are just a giant evolutionary mishap then it won’t matter – I’ll be dead.

The truth is that no one can prove anything either way which is why it continually baffles me that people - often very intelligent people - seem to feel the need to discuss the question at length. These conversations are the definition of pointless and are basically just the intellectual equivalent of those debates about meaningless triviality you have when you’re stoned. Y’know the ones where one guy will swear blind that Marilyn Manson was in ‘The Wonder Years’ or that Dogs can’t look up and another guy will strenuously disagree. Neither side has any means of proving their point but both believe themselves to be 100% right and a very boring discussion ensues.

This is the way a conversation about religion between a religious person and an atheist should go...

“I believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that God is looking out for us all”

“That’s nice, I don’t though”

“Fair enough, would you like some pie?”

Of course that almost never happens, (especially the bit about the pie) what usually happens is that the atheist starts talking loudly about fossils and evolution whilst everyone else edges away slowly.

Some atheists aren’t satisfied by simply having this argument and feel the need to actually dedicate their lives to it by writing books and appearing on TV. One such twat, sorry academic, is Richard Dawkins*, a scientist and author who has a chair** at Oxford University. He’s done other stuff in the past but at the moment his whole thing seems to be going round the world and explaining to religious people that they’ve wasted their lives.

That’s fine I guess, the question is why? He’s an atheist why does he care? It’s got nothing to do with him. It’s like straight men being interested in lesbian sex. Sorry bad example, er okay, lets say it’s like a man being interested in sanitary towels.

It certainly can’t be to help them – “Gee thanks Richard – I used to believe that there was a plan to the universe, I helped people less fortunate than myself and I had no fear of death. Good job you stopped all that.”

One reason he cites is that wars have been fought over religion, therefore it is bad. Yes Richard, wars have been fought over religion, millions of people have died in its name but do you really think that there would have been no war without it? I think we’d probably just have had wars for different reasons don’t you? Sadly people just fight with each other sometimes, people’s interests are at odds sometimes, sometimes people look across borders and think ‘Y’know what? I’d quite like all that land for myself.’ More often than not religion’s just an excuse.

‘Religion gets in the way of scientific progress!’ is another justification for this campaign of one-upmanship. Yeah you’re right it probably does, but actually scientists don’t get to determine the course of humanity on their own. I know you want to play with all the exciting new science right away but everyone’s got to live together on this planet and it’s quite reasonable that the ethics of, and popular support for things like human cloning are interrogated properly, by everyone. Me you and a billion other people may think that stem-cell research is brilliant but some people don’t and they get to be heard too before we go ahead and start messing around, so be patient***. Splitting the atom seemed like a great idea too remember? Because of that we almost blew the planet up in the 60’s. Let’s just behave like mature adults rather than kids the week before Christmas okay?

But what about intolerance? Religions promote intolerance right? Okay, a very small minority use religion as an excuse to be homophobic, racist etc. But again, there are just small minded people in the world who are going to see somebody doing something different and get all angry. People hear what they want to - if someone’s chosen to fixate on the obscure parts of the bible or the qur’an that deride homosexuality then, let’s be honest, they’re most probably quite the homophobe anyway. It’s not as if there aren’t racist/sexist/homophobic academics now is it?

What he of course downplays on his TV show and in his book is the positives that come from religion, the charitable giving and actions, the great works of art and architecture (not so much music). Michelangelo had such a hard-on for God that he created arguably the greatest work of art in history. I’m pretty sure people will still be going to see the Sistine Chapel when every copy of ‘The God Delusion’ has been rightly pulped - are we really more of an advanced society without God?

Even if we assume that what he says is all true (quite the assumption) he is still basically just being a mean spirited little gob-shite - like the guys who delight in ruining the twists in films by telling you right at the start: “By the way, there’s no heaven and Bruce Willis is a ghost.”

So, in conclusion; are those guys at the Christian rock concert waving their hands in the air a little weird? Yes. Deluded? Maybe, but you definitely can’t call them miserable. They’ve figured out a way to exist in this bizarre world that works for them and they’re not hurting anyone, so leave them alone you sanctimonious prick!

*If for nothing else he’s a cock for this tag-line on his website, ‘Richard Dawkins.Net: A Clear Thinking Oasis.’ What-a-bell-end!

**Most people send their children but whatever works mate

***I have become my Mother


Anonymous said...

I pretty much agree with all of that my man ..

however I read 'The God delusion' a while ago and thought it was a pretty interesting book and I would proberly recomend it to anyone who was interested.. However having mentioned to a few people that I had read it I got into some pretty silly conversations, which as you say got nowhere and achived nothing.. so I quickly decided to keep my big mouth shut ..

Basically the athiest Vs True Beliver arguement is a none starter .. both are coming to the table with such different ideas as to what constitutes/or is required for belief that they can never agree over the smallest thing .. which makes the whole thing pretty frustrating and boring, sensible people should avoid it at all costs ..

oh and (here we go again) the thing that makes me piss blood the most is that most atheists miss-understand the criteria for declaring ones self so .. namely that its for other people to prove THEIR ridiculus ideas .. not the other way around .. Tell them you are and then keep your mouth firmly shut .. you twat ..

anyway ..

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the 'god delusion' so I'm perhaps not qualified to vilify Dawkins, however I have no desire to read it, such is my contempt for the man. It is funny that the only people who would buy and read this book will probably be the emotionless killjoys who agree with his every point, and not the believers who's chips he is so diligently trying to piss on. (imagine buying a copy for your church going mother, she wouldn't be thrilled). And to the undecideds who might read this to confirm or deny their musings about a higher power, ok, do so, but why not read some of the bbile as well before you make a decision?

I'm no practising Christian, but I know a lot. Overlooking their occasional weirdness, they are a thoroughly good bunch of people. No one can deny that religion promotes goodwill towards men. yes, there is the old atheist favourite that goes 'what about Islamic terrorists' or 'Hitler was a Christian'. As matt mentioned, Religion has little or nothing to do with this evil and is a (thin) veil from behind which a massive minority of sick bastards do their bidding, twisting doctrine as they see fit. They would act in exactly the same malevolent way even if Religion didn't exist.

the God Delusion is missing the point. Science and human emotional contentment are two very different things. He is just proving himself to be the sort of boy who tramples on sandcastles. Never mind if he/she/it exists Richard, they are happy, and the vast majority act accordingly.

Put it this way, if i was injured by the side of the road and needed help, i would much rather be found by a Christian man than someone who had just read something by Dawkins...

Pete G

Matthew Thomas said...

Cheers for the feedback guys...

The sad thing is that Richard Dawkins is clearly very intelligent. Wandering round hectoring people - usually people who've led lives of selfless devotion to others - about their personal beliefs is a spectacular waste of his brain.

I'd rather have a drink with a Priest or a Rabbi than with an Oxford don any day (and not just because of all the famous jokes we could act out).

Thanks again, love to hear what people think.


Anonymous said...

You have insulted the atheist prophet Dawkins (peace be upon him).

I burn your embassy!